Saturday 5 April 2008

The beads are revolting...

I've had a revolution on my hands this morning!

The big delivery of beads arrived and I made quite a few items - the beads were all glass and have been made up into silver plated designs. I had priced them and put them into their boxes when there was an uprising...

They demanded to be photographed - to have equal rights with semi-precious and sterling silver items.

What could I do?

Three charm bracelets using some of my favourite glass.

A necklace and earrings set in peach firepolished glass.

And a crystal AB set with daggers.

A set with matt black AB tubes, black AB firepolished and matt black stars. Don't you just love my little piggies? They've got nothing to do with the jewellery, but my mum gave them to me for Christmas and as they've not featured in a photograph before I thought I'd give them an airing before I had a scene from Animal Farm on my hands...

What's that you say? You think I need a holiday? OK then, if you say so! I think I'll go touring southern Spain. Thanks for that.

See you what I get back! Take care, everyone.


Nia said...

They are lovely Lesley, and deserve parity with stones! Czech glass is so versatile, and of such great quality. I don't know what we'd do without it.
And I adore those piggies! Are they glass? They have a touch of Murano about them!
Hope you have a wonderful holiday in Spain. Think of us spending money in Malvern!

Coburg Crafts said...

Thanks, Nia. Yes, the piggies are glass - and they very much have a Murano look - although I'm sure not a Murano price-tag!
Don't go too wild in Malvern... oh, go on then, go wild... and have fun!